Bjorn Dahlem
Bjorn Dahlem

Bjorn Dahlem

WORKING IN BERLIN, conceptual artist Bjorn Dahlem portrays his version of cosmology in his installation works. Since his early works, he has dealt with ambiguity discrepancy between the apparent objectivity of science and the mystical potential hidden with science. Considered to be influenced by visionary inventor architect Buckminster Fuller, his installation works brings to mind a scene atmosphere from Stanley Kubrick's science fiction masterpiece 2001 Space Odyssey. He uses low-cost wooden beams and neon tubes in his works, but somehow allows the viewing public to feel a strong physical presence through direct and dynamic immediacy present in his works. Black Hole, his work in the Biennale, is also composed of his trade-mark neon lamps and wooden beams, the subject matter being the complex relationship between man and science/technology.