1. Sequence One – In Four Movements 2. Sequence two - in One movement

1. Sequence One – In Four Movements 2. Sequence two - in One movement

Doa Aly has to date wielded her command of multiple media – video, painting and drawing – primarily on the movement of the body. In particular, in the works on video dominating her practice in recent years, she has encouraged us to contemplate – through gestures, dance, and the clothes worn by her characters –the role of the individual in contemporary society, the meaning of gender, and the past and present vicissitudes of human existence.
These Metamorphoses sequences are silent, yet impart to the viewer the sense of a regular rhythm through the movements of a young male Egyptian dancer choreographed by Aly. More than simply an interpretation of Ovid's poetry, they offer profound observations on masculinity and male desire that are just as relevant today.