Dream of Expanse
KWON Dal-Sul

Dream of Expanse

<Dream of Expanse> is created based on the drawing series-an organic forme the freely flows in a space through 3-dimensional modifications and twists-that the artist has been working on since 2008. The work is made up of a 4-side outer forme which is rhythmical and delivers strength and a middle forme. The outer forme is composed of organic diagonal lines and the middle forme is a space in which a huge toy cube decorated with LED lights revolves slowly.
Dream of Expanse is one of the permanent installation art works from Busan Biennale 2010 exhibited in the Children's Grand Park in Choeup-dong. Mostly made of Stainless steel, this work with the size of 12.55m¡¿15m¡¿15m built on a round platform of 15m in diameter will inspire and encourage children to dream about future.