Run and Run
Jae-Beom Moon & Young-Hwan Jung


Run and Run

Inspired by the theme of the exhibit 'Songdo', a beach in the city where nature and the city meet, this work represents the characteristics of the two difference spaces in a harmonious way.

This work portrays people running busily in the city with holes punched in a flat board, showing the scenary of Songdo through the holes. The holes on the board are shaped in a hexagon, a geometric shape commonly found in nature which is both artificial and natural. Of the three boards having these hexagonal holes, the blue board at the bottom is the smallest, and the red board in the middle cut at an oblique angle is larger. The third board on the top has the shape of a trapezoid. Each board has its own meaning. The smallest blue board symbolizes the sea. Its oblique angle indicates the movement of the sea as well as instability.

The second red board represents the sun. Although its oblique angle is more modest compared with the bottom board, this also symbolizes the movement of the sun. The biggest top board symbolizes the boundless white sky and perfection. A trapezoid is a human-developed shape that gives a sense of safety. As such, this work expresses an abstract combination of nature and artificiality.
