Moses and the Plastic Ocean
Subodh Kerkar
Main Exhibition


Moses and the Plastic Ocean, 2017, iron frame-work, plastic netting, plastic water bottles, oil paint, 2500x1500x600cm, Commission for the Sea Art Festival 2017

Moses and the Plastic Ocean

Ocean pollution caused by the modern industrial material of plastic has emerged as a common environmental problem faced confronted by the world as a whole. The marine life is brought to death by plastic bottles, as evidenced by the recent case of a dead whale found on the coast of Norway containing over thirty plastic bags in its belly. It¡¯s presumed that this whale died because these plastic bags covered its stomach and it was not able to ingest food. The Indian artist SubodhKerkar was inspired by the biblical story of Moses dividing the Red Sea to make way for the people to cross. In order to cast a symbolic light on the environmental pollution problems faced by nature, Kerkar used over twenty thousand disposable plastic bottles, which is the main cause of environmental pollution, in this labor-intensive installation.

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