How to do nothing
WU Shanzhuan
Project 1- Busan Museum of Art


WU Shanzhuan, <Large Barcode>, Color ink and poster color on rice paper, wooden bars, 131x78cm, 1990-1991

WU Shanzhuan, <Steal 1,000 Red from Super Market>, Color ink and poster color on rice paper and corkboard, 120x97cm, 1990-1991

WU Shanzhuan, <My red was bought from a Western super market>, Color ink and poster color on rice paper, 153x230cm, 1990-1991

WU Shanzhuan, <How to do nothing>, Color ink and poster color on rice paper, 205x115cm, 1993

WU Shanzhuan
Large Barcode
Steal 1,000 Red from Super Market
My red was bought from a Western super market
How to do nothing

As one of the earliest artists to realize the essential crisis during the ¡¯85 New Wave Art Movement, Wu Shanzhuan has created many experimental works that engaged the vernacular of pop art and games that fabricated false Chinese character, commentary on the semiotics and semantics of language, focusing on dismantling the confinements of institutionalization and ideologies. The series Red Humor launched in 1986, aimed to bridge the absurd memories of the past with present reality. The work consists of segments of the Cultural Revolution posters, where the basic colors of the posters are painted on paper, displaying an impressive yet confusing effect. Without making specific references, his humorous and satirical approach reflect on political issues. Transcendental juxtapositions, chaotic orders all point to the final conception of the work, opening up new possibilities to conceptual art in China. In the early 1990s, Wu moved to Europe, and since 2005, he has been living and working between China and Europe. His works continue to adopt satirical linguistic games, symbolism, absurd images while conveying serious and profound meanings.
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