Taksim Spiral
Erdal INCI
Project 2- F1963


Erdal INCI, <Taksim Spiral>, Video, 2013

Erdal INCI, <Stumblers>, Video, 2014

Erdal INCI, <The 99 Percent>, Video, 2015

Erdal INCI
Taksim Spiral

Multimedia artist ErdalInci experiments on cloned movements through his video work. The artist creates hypnotic video or GIF files of himself moving through public spaces carrying lights or other objects at times. Inci appears to be no more than a shadow, or completely disappears depending on his exposure to light, creating an even more mysterious and dreamy video. Inci focused on the fact that if he keeps on cloning the recorded performance, the video will move perpetually. All the time phases of the same movements can be seen in brief moments such as 1 or 2 seconds. Inci thought this could give the viewer a chance to think like a choreographer who directs a large group of people or a painter who can fill a frame not with forms or colors but with motions. ErdalInci was inspired by the patterns used in traditional arts and crafts, dance and repetition. His work can be described as a summary of movement, performance, and actual environments. 
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